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Category:Mystery Shopping

How Can I Increase Repeat Customers To My Pub/Bar?

As a business we often fall into the trap of finding ways to attract more and more new customers to our Pub/Bars; however there is something more important than that. How can those new customers be turned into repeat visitors? What can you do to get those new customers back through the door of your […]

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The Not So Obvious Things That Impact Getting Repeat Customers In Your Restaurant

  Repeat customers are of huge importance to a restaurant. These are the customers that are loyal to a restaurant, bring their friends to the restaurant and tell others about their great experience at the restaurant. But how can you make sure that you are offering your customers a great experience to ensure that they […]

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Is Your Bar and Restaurant SAFE For Customers?

Here at Sterling Stock Auditors we believe that there are four factors that make up a ‘safe’ bar and restaurant that creates a safe and loyal customer environment and these are as follows

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How Self Imposed Breaks Affect Your Restaurant

We often speak to restaurants, cafes, bars and other businesses in the hospitality and catering trades and they are concerned about employee theft; yet they show no real concern for self-imposed breaks that employees take. When you look at the amount of time an employee may not be working, surely cost wise this is the […]

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The Role Of A Mystery Diner

  Mystery diners and mystery shoppers have been around for years, when it began a mystery shopper was used as protect the business from theft and they were common services that a bank or store would employ a mystery shopper for. However this was back in the 1940’s and it would be private investigators posed […]

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Are Your Check-Backs An Interrogation?

In the restaurant trade, a check back is a service benchmarking question; by the waiter/ress completing a check back they are able to correct any issues with the meal before it is fully consumer. But how does your customer view a check-back?

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Why is Mystery Shopping Important for Bars & Restaurants?

Every year companies all over the UK are organising for mystery shoppers to go into their bars and restaurants to be an ‘undercover customer’. Nobody knows the mystery shopper is coming, who they may be or when they may arrive and this means that the mystery shopper gets the ‘normal experience’ of a night out […]

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