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7 Cardinal Sins Of Restaurant Stocktaking – Pride

PrideAre You Committing The Sin Of Pride?

If you are feeling proud of yourself because you avoided sin number one of ‘Ignorance’ as stated in our first blog post, you may need to reconsider this pride… it is all well and good completing a stocktake for your restaurant every week and logging it in your notebook – but this is really the bare minimum when it comes to stocktaking.

When you are taking the time or ensuring that your staff members take the time to do a stocktake at the end of the day, but all that is being done is that some numbers are going in the note book, then you’re actually just wasting time and if you are paying someone extra hours to do the stocktaking and just record the numbers then it is losing you money too.

While completing a stocktake for your business is better than nothing, there is a lot more you can do that will help you increase profit and sales for your restaurant and in this blog post we are going to talk about exactly that.

By completing a stocktake for your business you are giving yourself the chance to make some key money-saving decisions that will help your restaurant grow.

For example a thorough stocktake will allow you to look at future ordering, what you need to order more of and less of as well as looking at which products are more and less popular. This will then enable you to create a better relationship with your suppliers as you will be organised and prepared without sporadic orders here and there, which in turn will help support your bottom line.

By looking at the numbers recorded in stocktakes you are able to adjust food costs to allow you to stay within budget and therefore better manage the cash flow for your restaurant.

Only 25% of restaurant managers know that just completing a stocktake and counting stock is not enough to support the profit and growth of a successful restaurant; if you would like to be part of that 25% then why not contact us?

We can complete your stocktake for you, with you or offer a consultancy service to help you get the best out of your restaurant and make as many sales and as much profit from your restaurant as possible.

Through looking at the numbers recorded during regular stock takes the impact you can have on your food costs and the financial health of your restaurant could be huge.

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