An Independent Stocktaker Will Be Efficient And Accurate
One of the biggest benefits of hiring an independent stocktaker instead of using someone in-house is the efficiency and accuracy that an independent stocktaker brings to the table. Because an independent stocktaker is experienced in stocktaking and it is their main job they will offer a more efficient and accurate stocktake than an inexperienced member […]
Preparing for your stocktake
Today I want to talk about preparing for your stocktake. What you need to do on the day and what you need to get ready for us as stocktakers. First thing is make sure you are on the premises. That’s very important because if we’ve got questions we need to ask, we need you […]
What is the difference between wet and dry stocktaking?
Today I want to talk about the difference between food stocktaking, sometimes known as dry stocktaking and wet stocktaking. Let’s start with wet stocktaking. Wet stocktaking is as it suggests, it’s all your wet stock, it’s everything that comes through the bar, so that includes; Spirits Bottle beers Soft drinks Draft beers Lagers Wine But […]
What Is Stocktaking?
I’m going to explain what stocktaking is and why you need to have stocktakes regularly. Stocktaking is all about the numbers in your business, if you’re used to having your accounts done once a year by your accountant, you probably get your results back for the accountant maybe six months after you year-end. That means […]
Should You Employ A Stocktaker Or Outsource To A Food Stocktaker?
There are lots of bars, pubs, restaurants, hotels and cafes that would rather put an advert out to employ a stocktaker for their business. They then sift through all the application forms, interview everyone, find the right person and spend time and money training them up to do the stocktakes for the business.
Are You Ready For Summer Stocktaking?
Summer is here which means sunnier days, lighter evenings and busy bars for those refreshing summer drinks while your customers catch up with their friends and family to enjoy the bright weather. But are you ready for the summer stocktaking? We have put together some top summer stocktaking tips to help you achieve the […]
Are You Staff Stealing From You?
Did you know that 70% of all employees will steal from their employee at least once? Did you know that 75% of all shrinkage is caused by your employees and staff members? Did you know that staff theft can account for up to 3% of your gross sales?
The Steps Of A Successful Food Stocktaking Process
It is essential that you run a food stocktake in your catering or hospitality business at least once a year as a very minimum as this will allow you to maintain healthy inventory levels and minimise food losses – and it will keep your accountant happy too. However, stocktakes can be time-consuming and frustrating, while […]