BLOG – Could You Run Specials In Your Restaurant?
It is unusual to go to a restaurant and find that they don’t have any specials; but as a restaurant owner it is often hard to decide the best ‘specials’ you can offer for your customers and target audience.
What is the difference between wet and dry stocktaking?
Today I want to talk about the difference between food stocktaking, sometimes known as dry stocktaking and wet stocktaking. Let’s start with wet stocktaking. Wet stocktaking is as it suggests, it’s all your wet stock, it’s everything that comes through the bar, so that includes; Spirits Bottle beers Soft drinks Draft beers Lagers Wine But […]
Should You Employ A Stocktaker Or Outsource To A Food Stocktaker?
There are lots of bars, pubs, restaurants, hotels and cafes that would rather put an advert out to employ a stocktaker for their business. They then sift through all the application forms, interview everyone, find the right person and spend time and money training them up to do the stocktakes for the business.
The Steps Of A Successful Food Stocktaking Process
It is essential that you run a food stocktake in your catering or hospitality business at least once a year as a very minimum as this will allow you to maintain healthy inventory levels and minimise food losses – and it will keep your accountant happy too. However, stocktakes can be time-consuming and frustrating, while […]
Most Common Reasons For Stock Variances In Your Food Stocktake
When you are completing your monthly food stocktake you may notice some stock variances, these can occur from time to time, but we have put together the most common reasons for stock variances enabling you to be able to solve the mystery and make changes to avoid stock variances on future food stocktakes.
What Will A Food Stocktake Achieve?
We are often asked by those new to the catering and hospitality sector what a food stocktake or food stock audit will actually achieve, so we though we would put this blog together to show restaurant, pub & hotel owners just how useful a good food stocktake can be for a business.
7 Cardinal Sins of Restaurant Stocktaking-Carelessness
As a restaurant owner it is only normal that you will have a lot on your plate and a lot of those full plates to balance – literally in some cases! It is your job as a restaurant owner to balance that restaurant full of hungry customers, the busy bar area, the latest special meal […]
7 Cardinal Sins Of Restaurant Stocktaking – Pride
Are You Committing The Sin Of Pride? If you are feeling proud of yourself because you avoided sin number one of ‘Ignorance’ as stated in our first blog post, you may need to reconsider this pride… it is all well and good completing a stocktake for your restaurant every week and logging it in your […]
Are You Committing The Sin of Ignorance in Your Restaurant?
There are some things that most restaurants do wrong all across the country and lots of these things are part of stock taking; it is essential that stock taking in your restaurant is treated with the respect it deserves because it is often down to poor stock management which can leave restaurants and pubs […]
Food Cost Tip – Know Your Cuts of Beef
If you serve beef on your menu, learn the different cuts and what they can be used for. The lesser known cuts are often cheaper and but might need to slow cooked. Your butcher should be able to advise you. This will enable you to balance your menu to meet your target Gross Profit. Buying […]