Golf Clubs Turn Heating Bills Into Income With Biomass
Golf Clubs operate 7 days a week, with members wanting a warm club house, bar and restaurant and plenty of hot water for their showers after they have played their rounds. This all adds up to golf clubs having the highest energy spends of any type of sports clubs.
PayPal – Is it the Best Payment Provider as your E-commerce Grows?
Paypal has become the first stop for most businesses when they first start with E-Commerce. It is easy to join and its ease of use is of course appealing to a new business. All transactions are charged the same regardless of the card type. However, as your business increases, PayPal can become an extremely costly […]
WorldPay Merchant Services Prices Set To Rise
WorldPay has recently informed their customers of their latest price increase for merchant services. In their letter/email they advise that the “majority will see an increase in their costs of accepting Visa debit cards”. WorldPay has a market share of 40-45% which makes it the largest merchant services acquirer in the UK and visa debit is […]
What Is VOIP?
VOIP = Voice over IP (Internet telephony) Rather than a traditional internal phone system, where you had a switchboard in your building, voice calls and fax are made using the Internet with a hosted phone system in the Cloud.
How To Reduce Your Card Processing Costs – Tip #10
If your business is growing – Re-tender. Pricing works on volume and if your volume has significantly grown you may qualify for a lower priced tier. And of course, your existing supplier will never offer up a volume based rate review with out prompting.
Reducing Energy Costs in a Catering Kitchen.
As commercial kitchen equipment ages it becomes less efficient.