Lockdown The Sequel

Unless you have been living in a cave on a remote island in the Pacific you will know that England will be entering a minimum 4 week lockdown from 00:01 on Thursday 5th November 2020. For the majority of the hospitality sector this effectively means as of 10pm on Wednesday 4th November.
The FIFO Method of Stock Control

The first in and first out method, also known as the FIFO method, is essential for good stock management. By using this method in the catering industry you are reducing the risk of wastage through short date, out of date or expired stock.
The Main Parts Of Our Stocktaking Service
As stocktakers for the catering and hospitality industry, we are often asked what we actually do and the stocktaking service we offer. We thought we would take this opportunity to explain the four main parts of our stocktaking services so people can better understand exactly what we do, and how we do it.
Should You Employ A Stocktaker Or Outsource To A Food Stocktaker?
There are lots of bars, pubs, restaurants, hotels and cafes that would rather put an advert out to employ a stocktaker for their business. They then sift through all the application forms, interview everyone, find the right person and spend time and money training them up to do the stocktakes for the business.
What Will A Food Stocktake Achieve?
We are often asked by those new to the catering and hospitality sector what a food stocktake or food stock audit will actually achieve, so we though we would put this blog together to show restaurant, pub & hotel owners just how useful a good food stocktake can be for a business.
Why Do I need to do Food Stocktaking?

As the sale of drink continues to fall more and more business depend of food as their main source of turnover.
Food stocktaking has never been more important in running a successful business. Without proper procedures in place, margins can deteriorate quickly. With the decline of sales of alcohol more and more businesses are depending on food as their main source of revenue.