The FIFO Method of Stock Control

The first in and first out method, also known as the FIFO method, is essential for good stock management. By using this method in the catering industry you are reducing the risk of wastage through short date, out of date or expired stock.
Pub Closures Continue
It seems that a recent survey shows a very gloomy picture for pub closure rates in the UK as pubs continue to close at an alarming rate. The survey completed by CAMRA’s What Pub online guide covers around 47,500 pubs from across all corners of the UK. Between July 2016 and December 2016 455 pubs […]
How Your Catering Business Must Adapt To Meet Customers Modern Expectations
A survey was recently completed by speaking to over 1,000 users of Wi-Fi across Europe and the research found that 84% would be more willing to purchase goods and services from a business that offered a free Wi-Fi service; meanwhile 96% said they would return to a hotspot location because of the free Wi-Fi.
The Steps Of A Successful Food Stocktaking Process
It is essential that you run a food stocktake in your catering or hospitality business at least once a year as a very minimum as this will allow you to maintain healthy inventory levels and minimise food losses – and it will keep your accountant happy too. However, stocktakes can be time-consuming and frustrating, while […]
Stocktaking Musts
There are some things that you just must do to ensure you have a better stocktake; some of them may be obvious and you do them without thinking, but there may be other things that you have not considered before but when you do them you realise how much better, easier and more effective your […]