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Get Your Wet Stock Organised

Tidy & Untidy Cellar

While it may sound easy, one of the hardest parts of running a bar is getting the wet stock organised! If your wet stock is messy or disorganised this is a red flag for any hospitality business and a sure-fire sign that things are not as organised as they need to be.

Please take a look at the tips below for getting your wet stock organised;

·         Make sure that there is a set place for each item of wet stock. We recommend that these areas are labelled so all employees know exactly where wet stock products go. This makes it easier to count wet stock for stocktakes, and to know if you need to re-order items.

  • Re-stock your fridges and bar shelves in the evening. This way you know what you have available and if you need to order additional wet stock. It also means that you are prepped and ready for the next day, no matter what issues may happen in the morning.
  • Put a system in place to only open one box of wet stock at a time. It is essential that new boxes of wet stock are not opened until the old box has been emptied. This will help reduce stock wastage and help you keep track of stock amounts too.
  • Consider an area in the chiller where part containers or packets are kept. If an employee sees this area is empty then new stock can be opened.
  • Make sure you check wet stock before placing orders with suppliers. You may find that an item is not selling as much recently and therefore more of that product does not to be ordered.
  • Keep your stock areas tidy, you never know what is being hidden up rubbish, it can also be a health & safety issue.


If you need help getting your wet stock organised then why not give us a call? We are experienced independent wet stocktakers. We have many years experience in the catering and hospitality industry. We are always happy to pass on advice and guidance to help you get the most from your bar, restaurant or catering business

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