Common Causes of Stock Loss

Here at Sterling Stock Auditors we help businesses within the restaurant, hotel and catering trades keep track of their stock. However, when completing a stocktake and sharing the audit with the client, we notice stock losses. There are many reasons for this. In this blog post we share the most common causes of stock loss, […]
Why A Catering Business Should Carry Out Stocktakes

As independent stocktakers we speak to a lot of catering business owners that are unsure why they should carry out stocktakes. This is an extremely common question asked by those in the catering and hospitality businesses, so we thought we would answer it in this blog post. We have put together three reasons why you […]
What Does ‘Taking Stock’ Mean?
‘Taking Stock’ is another way of saying stocktaking or completing an inventory. It is a process of counting the amount of stock in your hospitality or catering business. The stock counted will include things like food, drink, linen, cleaning products and other items. The quantities of stock are then matched against the cost of each […]
Are You Staff Stealing From You?
Did you know that 70% of all employees will steal from their employee at least once? Did you know that 75% of all shrinkage is caused by your employees and staff members? Did you know that staff theft can account for up to 3% of your gross sales?
What Will A Food Stocktake Achieve?
We are often asked by those new to the catering and hospitality sector what a food stocktake or food stock audit will actually achieve, so we though we would put this blog together to show restaurant, pub & hotel owners just how useful a good food stocktake can be for a business.