Unlocking Hidden Talent: Why Hospitality Businesses Should Hire Mature Workers & Retail Redundancies

The hospitality industry continues to face a recruitment crisis, with many businesses struggling to fill vacancies. While traditional hiring strategies may not be delivering results, there is a wealth of untapped talent in mature workers and those made redundant from retail. These candidates bring valuable skills, reliability, and a strong work ethic—making them ideal for […]
How Employee Engagement Works in the Hospitality Industry

One of our team members recently vacationed in Portland, Oregon. It was snowing – a rare snow storm that left thick ice on the streets, so she spent more time in the Kimpton Hotel Monaco than she’d planned. But it gave her a chance to really notice the special touches made for guests’ comfort and […]
Are Phones A Problem With Your Servers?

Smart phones and mobile devices are a really great way for keeping in touch with employees, for scanning customer discount codes and more. However, they can also be a problem. Are they making your employees less productive? Mobile phones can be a huge workplace distraction for many employees. When you realise how much time employees […]
What do Hospitality Employees Really Want?

This is a real Glassdoor review of a boutique hotel chain: “Management sucks, incompetent, lazy and disrespectful. They should listen to employees more.” Compare that with what hotel employees told their employers after they implemented Engagement Multiplier. “Thank you for the opportunity to express our thoughts. It’s an amazing place to work, and this is […]