What Is Stock Insurance And Do I Need It?
As independent stock takers in Cambridgeshire, covering the South East of England we are often asked by clients when completing stocktakes on their behalf if they need stock insurance. While we would never tell a client what they should or should not do, we give advice, information and guidance to help our clients make […]
Hospitality & Leisure Industry News – W/c 19th Oct
Monday 19/10/15 Morningadvertiser: Cambridge publican awarded £25,000 in compensation after being wrongly evicted By Emily Sutherland, 19-Oct-2015 A Cambridge publican has been awarded £25,000 in compensation after being sprayed with a form of pepper spray and being physically removed from his pub. Read More
Hospitality & leisure Industry New Roundup – W/C 28th Sept
Monday 28/9/15 Propelinfonews.com: Cambridge nightclubs hires “ladies in red” as Customer Care Ambassadors: Two Cambridge nightclubs have hired Customer Care Ambassadors. Dressed in red, the female Customer Care Ambassadors are manning the doors at Kuda, on Sidney Street and Ballare, at Heidelberg Gardens. Trained in first aid and customer care, they will be on-hand to […]
Hospitality & Leisure Industry News – W/c 31st Aug
Tuesday 1/9/15 Propelinfonews.com: LT Management Services adds 300 sites in a week to out-sourced portfolio: LT Management Services, thesector’s largest out-sourced management company led by Billy Buchanan, has added more than 300 sites to its portfolio in a week after securing two new contracts, Propel understands. The company, which operates more than 1,000 pubs, restaurants, […]
Hospitality & Leisure News – W/c 24st Aug
Monday 24/8/15 Propelinfonews.com: Tynemill returns to profit despite £550,000 increase in administrative expenses: Companies House accounts for award-winning East Midlands craft brewer and pub operator Tynemill, which trades as Castle Rock, show a return to profit in the year to 31 March 2015. The company, which saw turnover rise 25% to £9,881,761 reported a pre-tax […]
Hospitality & Leisure Industry News for W/C 17th Aug
Monday 17/8/15 Propelinfonews.com: Everards plan to create food and drink park takes step forward: The owner of Fosse Park shopping centre in Leicestershire, The Crown Estate, has reached a conditional agreement to buy the 12.5 acre Castle Acres Everards brewery site in Leicester to progress a major extension to the shopping parks. The move means […]
Hospitality & Leisure Industry News – W/c 6/4/15
Tuesday 7/4/15 Propelinfonews.com: Carvery Heaven set to grow to 15 sites, opens first US-themed concept: Carvery Heaven, the East Midlands multiple led by Mike Perry, is to open two more sites, taking its estate to 15, with its first US-themed offer set to open. The Fairway in Keyworth,