Get an Independent Stock Valuation When Buying A Pub
If you are considering buying a bar, restaurant, cafe, pub or other catering business then we would highly recommend that you get an independent stock valuation on the day of completion. This is one of the biggest assets of the business so you need to know what it is you are buying.
Thinking of buying a pub but not sure about the types of “ownership”?
If you are thinking of buying a pub, before we talk about the different ownership options, we need to ask you… Do you have what it takes? Although the pub trade is one of the choices of business for budding entrepreneurs, the demands of the job can be overwhelming to some. The long hours can […]
Thinking of buying a pub?
You are thinking of buying a pub but not sure about the different types of ownership: managed, tenancy, leased and freehold?
Find out by reading this blog outlining the differences.